Saturday, December 3, 2011

Part VII:Create a Profile

In one day we were given, miscellaneuosly, a few pieces of evidence such as; a piece of hair, a fingerprint, anything that would be helpful when solving a crime.With the given materials we were told to come up with a scenario to explain what happend to the person. My group was given a fingerptint, a piece of paper that at first galnce, what appeared to be either some type of juice or lip gloss, and a letter that had been ripped. We peiced the letter together to find out what kind of letter it actually was and to determine what it said, the letter read; "You will never find her". Using the letter, fingerprint, and the liquid substance, which was determined to be juice, we came up with what we thought was a likely scenario, and then shared it with the group. My scenario was that a female was at her home drinking some type of juice, when she heard a knock at her door. She got up from the place that she was sitting and answered the door, based on the spilled juice it looks like a struggle took place. We thought that she probably knew the person at the door because she allowed them in, the fingerprint would be sent to the police department to be run  through the machine to determine if it matched someone in the database. My scenario was based on facts and showed how a investigation might be carried out.